Team DDRE Has Their Own Style

Our team is built from a foundation of trust, experience, and integrity. We are passionate, creative, and resourceful professionals who love what they do. Open a minute getting to know us. We promise, it's worth it.

Property is personal. We'll spend time getting to know you and your needs, so that each experience is tailor-made and stress free. Whatever you're looking for, wherever it may be, we will find it.

Enlist our team because no one knows the workings of luxury, prime, and super prime real estate better than us. Between our advisors and in-house experts, we'll make working together a pleasure.

Sara Allin image
Sara Allin
Michael Pagnotta image
Michael Pagnotta
Executive & Development Coach
Ruvimbo Mapika image
Ruvimbo Mapika
Finance Manager
Maria Santillana image
Maria Santillana
Head of Brand & Marketing
Nicholas Lawrence image
Nicholas Lawrence
Digital Marketing Director
Madison Burke image
Madison Burke
Marketing Manager
Maud Grevstad image
Maud Grevstad
Social Media Manager
Emily Straw image
Emily Straw
Content Creator
Fran Galac image
Fran Galac
Olivia Wayne image
Olivia Wayne
Leah Della-Guardia image
Leah Della-Guardia
Executive Assistant to Daniel Daggers
Claudia Bates image
Claudia Bates
Team Assistant
Stine Kaus image
Stine Kaus
Executive Assistant to Jessica Bishop
Stephen Chase image
Stephen Chase
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